Helping you realize your dreams
of get your book published

Your book is in safe and trusted hands

A good book creates an ever-lasting impression on the reader. Publish your book to share your cherished experiences and fascinating imaginations. Let the world learn the value your book holds.

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Printed Copies of Book

Well crafted, cost-effective, and of the best quality, hard copies of the book will be available on your demand.

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Conversion and Distribution

Create versions of your book in multiple languages and let all masses have access to read it through extensive distribution.

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Paperback or Ebook, you can have both versions on a single platform. We print copies only on the client's demand.

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Get copyright certification in your name and take absolute control over your work.

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We Are Your Trusted
Book Publishers

Mermaid publishers have been working in the industry for the last twenty years and have obtained the leading position over the previous seven years. Trust and reliability are the gems ornated with our name. We take pride in being the first choice of our customers and take every measure to remain that priority as we continuously improve our processes' efficiency, quality standards, and speedy completion of the project.

Although, our core competencies lie with novels and story books. Yet, having been concluding more than 500 projects over the last decade, our teams have built the right expertise to cater to demanding projects such as textbooks, Aptitude test prep books, and interview guide books.

Why Choose Us?

A few of the distinctive traits that make us stand out from the crowd are listed here.

Qualified Writers

Our teams of experienced writers and professional book editors are well versed in multiple genres. They put in the valuable insights they gained over the years to perfect your manuscripts.

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Unlimited Revisions

We believe in quality work. We gladly make unlimited revisions until it meets the industry's highest standards and undergo successful publication.

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24/7 Support

For us, client satisfaction is our first priority. We ensure proper communication at every stage of the project to thoroughly learn your requirements. You will have 24/7 support, even in post-project assistance.

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Mermaid Publishers Exclusive
Book Publishing Services

With the world as your playground, our exclusive publishing services will enable you to turn your book into a hard reality. We have several services for you to avail!

Printed Books Print On Demand Bookshop Expert eBook Distribution

Printed Books

Printed books are marketed properly through various publicity strategies to create awareness and generate sales.

Mermaid publisher works as an online book publishing store, stashing thousands of incredible reads within our portfolio. We dedicate an entire team of ghostwriters, editors, designers, and layout and book cover designers to craft the final product of your imagination -your book.

Over the last five years, we have augmented the scope of our book publishing services, and now, we also work as comic book publishers and children's book publishers, as well as assist in Ingram and Barnes and Noble self-publishing. We resource qualified illustration artists who can draw, create, and fetch real-life impressions within each scenario.

We are committed to sheer excellence in our work and aim to earn the name tag of the best custom book publishing company among all best self-publishing companies forever.

Printed Books

Print On Demand

You can avail of our exclusively complementary service, book printing. If you get it within a package, it can be really cost-effective as we do not charge extra fees, just the printing cost. We will provide you with a sample of printed hardcopy, and further, on your demand, we will order printing in a large number of units.

Print On Demand


We can help you arrange online book shops and live events on different social media platforms. We can help you arrange book promotional events with the best self-publishing companies, such as Ingram and Barnes & noble.


eBook Experts

Suppose you are facing difficulties in getting your book published. In that case, we have a number of ebook publishing platforms, primarily catering to eBooks, that can help you experience the most delicate process of writing and get your book published.

Expert eBook


Distribution strategy depends on your target audience. If a book is for all ages, we can have it available on a mass level i.e. every possible bookstore.


Our Testimonials

Online Book Publishing Store

Mermaid publisher works as an online book publishing store, stashing thousands of incredible reads within our portfolio. We dedicate an entire team of ghostwriters, editors, designers, and layout and book cover designers to craft the final product of your imagination -your book.

Over the last five years, we have augmented the scope of our book publishing services, and now, we also work as comic book publishers and children's book publishers, as well as assist in Ingram and Barnes and Noble self-publishing. We resource qualified illustration artists who can draw, create, and fetch real-life impressions within each scenario.

We are committed to sheer excellence in our work and aim to earn the name tag of the best custom book publishing company forever.



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